Thursday, September 23, 2010

School, why does it have to be this hard and long?

Seriously, I should not have just finished school twenty minutes ago...not cool! Today I got started with school at 9:00, left at 2:00 for a Latin meeting with some of my friends and my Challenge B teacher, got back at 4:00, took a break, ate dinner at 5:00 started back with school at 6:00 and finished at about 7:25...AHHHH! It is so hard! Not the actual school part, but how long it takes just frustrates me! I am usually finished at 3:00pm, but today was exceptionally long. Anyway, I guess that is what 8th grade is like, but at least I don't have to go to Public School! Thanks for reading~With love~Bailey~Psalm 56:3~

P.S. I just wanted to say, Mom thanks so much for all of the hard work and time that you put into homeschooling us! I love being home schooled so much and I love you too! I appreciate the education that you give us, and can't wait to follow in your footsteps and become a wonderful teacher just like you! Thanks for all that you do!


Anna Gray said...

It took me until 7:00 to finish school! You're not the only one! I usually wind up having to do school on the weekends. Although Latin isn't exactly a 'fun' subject, I had fun seeing you and Taylor!

See ya tomorrow!

Unknown said...

You're tender.

Keep working kid. Getting good studying habits now is crucial... rather then forcing yourself to learn them later...

like when you get to college.

:) Love and miss you!!

Our Journey to Rwanda said...

Wow, thanks so much, Bailey! You just made my morning! I am proud of how hard you work and all that you are doing to make this year a success. I love you so much- Mom