First of all you are just awesome. You have invested your life into so many other people(bottom pic) and even as they go off to college you still make sure that they every meal, that they are not staying up to late, and are doing their home work. Now you teach the 7th graders and are pouring your heart out to them, wanting them to be Godly men and women when they grow up. Every day you deal with the four us, and some how manage to love us at the end of the day. You spend so much time on other people, and barely spend any time on yourself! I know sometimes you would rather be doing other things, but you still do them anyway! I don't know how I could manage without you as my mom. I love you mater(mother in latin, I call her that all the time), and always will!
I hope everyone had a fantastic mother's day! I will post tomorrow about our fun sliding adventure we had this morning(pics will be included)! Thanks for reading- Bailey