Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Sonia B.

Have I mentioned how this little girl's language has been coming along.....

...wonderfully really. She has been learning new words everyday. One of her favorite things to do is to name all of her body parts. She LOVES to do that. Sonia is learning so fast, it is incredible. Today she saw deodorant, brought it to my dad and lifted up her arm so it showed her armpits(have I mentioned she is soooo smart). My dad helped her out and started to put deodorant on her tiny armpits. Then she says, " I tikawish..." and did my dad...we all did after he told us. I thought that it was too funny. I love her so much! Thanks for reading~Bailey~Psalm 56:3

1 comment:

wendi said...

So cute! I heard her talking tonight and was amazed at how much she has learned. :)