Friday, June 25, 2010

Happy Birthday Anna Gray!

A few days ago was my very good friend, Anna Gray's birthday! She is one of the funniest people that I know. Here are 5 things about Anna Gray:

1. She is always wearing cute clothes
2. Somehow she can always cheer me up
3. We both don't like math
4. Loves to play with little kids(like me)
5. Also loves to be at the beach or the pool

Anna Gray- Thanks for being my friend, I know that I can always count on you! I hope you had a great birthday.

Here is a link to her blog: !

Thanks for reading~Bailey~Psalm 56:3~

1 comment:

Anna Gray said...

Awwwww! You just put a smile on my face, Bailey! You are such a sweet friend. Thank you for posting that! =D