Friday, October 31, 2008

I've Been "Tagged"

Hey hey hey!
Okay, Chelsea Marie( my sister if you didn't know)tagged mine and Bailey's blog. That means I have to post six random facts about myself.
1. I have two birthmarks( one on my thigh and one above my right hip in case you were wondering)
2. I am in love with anything that has to do with sparkles, rhinestones, or diamonds.
3.I plan to be an actress and have my own album
4.I bite my nails alot
5.I LOVE playing the piano
6.I'm sorta obsessed with the computer. (Or so my family says :))

So here are the rules if I tag you....

1. Post the person who tagged you at the top and put a link to their blog.

2.Post the rules on the blog.

3. Write six random facts about yourself

4.Tag six people at the end of your post

5.Let each person know when they are being tagged

6.Let the taggers know when your entry is up. I am tagging...
Lindsay, Emily Bowers, Anna Gray, Michael Bowers, Brad Livengood, and Chelsea

*In a couple weeks Bailey will post 6 random things about herself.*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your blog sight! I am not being critical or anything but it is kind of hard to read your articles because of the background or the faunt! Like i said i am not trying to be crtical but that is just a viewers insight!!!