Saturday, May 18, 2013

To my sweet Haley!

Tomorrow is a very special day.

For a very special little girl.

Who holds a very special place in my heart.

I love her just a little bit.

Miss Haley's birthday is tomorrow.

This little girl- she gives amazing hugs.

She loves God.

She loves other people. And she has a HUGE and LOVING heart.

When we were on TV for our trip to Uganda she went into school and said to her teacher, "My best friend was on TV today!!" 

How can you resist that?!

Miss Haley-
You need to stop growing up so fast! 
Sooner than you know it you'll be walking through the doors at highschool.
And you'll make me feel REALLY old. 

Sweet girl, you'll never know how much I love you. And how much you mean to me.
I know you miss Paige. I do too...a whole lot. But we're making through it together! 
I'll always be here for you. No matter what happens.

I love you! Keep Jesus first!

Love your 15 year old best friend- Bailey :)

Would you join me in wishing Haley a very happy 8th birthday?!

1 comment:

macie said...

happy birthday haley i love uuuuu!!!!!!!!!