Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Once I saw this quote:

"Family is like fudge, smooth with a few nuts."

That is so very true. Today J-man and I were..uh...lets just say not getting along. Then my dad came home, we ate dinner, and he turned on some Christmas music. Everyone started dancing. J-man and I were the only ones left...so we danced. Oh, my brother, he may get on my nerves, but I love him. He really cracks me up. I was trying to teach him how to dance, and he was trying to be funny and do some kind of jazz dancing, I'm not really sure. All I know is that no matter what you think, family is a blessing. A true joy to have a around. I don't know what I would do with out, the laughs from J-man, the kindness from William, the love from my parents, the blessing of having a sister, and simply...well everything about them. Yes, I have the moments where I want to hurt them, but I still have to remind myself that God gave us family to love and care for. Especially during the Christmas season it is very hard to be kind when you are so busy, but that is the most important time to love them. Just something for you to think about... also this time last year we were in Rwanda or Ethiopia(can't remember which country) getting Sonia...

"All I want for Christmas is YOU!!" (you know the song)

That was what we were saying, all we wanted for Christmas was Sonia. Now she is here, the one I prayed for 8 years long, the cutest girl ever, smiley, cherry, talkative, and perfect. I love her so very much. Best sister ever!

Thanks for reading~Bailey~Psalm 56:3~


wendi said...

Well written and straight from the heart. :) May you guys enjoy each other more and more each day!

The Beaver Bunch said...

What a sweet reminder for me Bailey. Thank you. I need to pray that my heart is prepared to focus on my FAMILY this Christmas.

How can someone as young as you teach someone as old as me something new so very often?