Saturday, July 10, 2010

Maggie's Adventure

Thursday I wrote a children's book called "Maggie's Adventure" .....I thought that you might enjoy reading it!

Maggie had a box, a pink box. With this box and a handful of imagination, she could go anywhere, from the deserts of Africa to the rainforests of Brazil, all in her backyard!

One day Maggie was playing outside. In her backyard she had a magnificent swing set. She decided that she would travel the world that day.

First she had to cross the raging waters of a river in a rain forest. “ I guess I will have to swing on the vines, just like the monkeys do.” She said excitedly.

After swinging on the vines in the jungle she came to a river that had a bridge that was broken. “I suppose that I will have to swim across.” Maggie said eagerly.

Once Maggie had swam across the river she found a beach. “I think that I am going to have a little fun and build a sandcastle!”

Once Maggie had built her sandcastle she came to a beautiful little house. Then she said, “ It doesn’t appear that anyone is home, so I think that I will go on inside.”

After she had gone into the little house, she came to a humongus, towering mountain. “holy moly!” She exclaimed, “ I am going to try and climb it.”

After she came to the top of the mountain she saw that it was getting dark outside, so she headed back down the mountain, to make her long journey home.She passed the little house, the beautiful beach, the peaceful river, the jungle, and finally she was back home.

Her mother had a warm dinner waiting on the table just for her. Maggie had a great day traveling the world, but she was glad to be home with her family!

The End!!!!!!

I hope you enjoyed "Maggie's Adventure"! Thanks for reading~Bailey~Psalm 56:3~


Unknown said...

This is sweet travel. Looking forward more.

Gaylin Stewart said...

Keep writing!! And posting!! love ya, Mrs. Gaylin