Tuesday, January 5, 2010

A two year old and discoveries!

Sonia is not technically two to begin the "terrible twos" but they really should change that to terrible 18 months. Because from what I have heard the terrible twos start at eighteen months!Anyway I have gotten to experience the terrible twos, which does not mean they are terrible it means when they do not get their way they scream, yell and throw themselves on the floor. An example: Sonia has some goldfish and William has some goldfish Sonia decides that se wants William's goldfish(I have no idea why) so William tries to share with her, that did not work apparently, she wanted the bag! My mom told William she could not have the bag because she had her own, so he walked away she proceeded to throw herself on the floor and scream. Eventually she stopped and ate her goldfish. As you can see when two year olds don't get their way they throw a fit! We go trough about 2-3 a day. Here are the discoveries I have found:

1. That when two year olds throw a fit THEY THROW A FIT!
2. Whenever your sister wakes up at 6:15 in the morning screaming you also wake up(which I really don't mind that much)
3. It feels like Sonia has been here forever.
4. Doing school with a two year old is quite a challenge.
5. I am very glad that I prayed for eight years for a sister, because if I would have stopped praying Sonia would still be sleeping in a bed with two babies, wearing sheets of cloth for a diaper, and wondering when will my family come? Thank goodness I did not stop begging God for a baby sister!

I hope you enjoyed reading this post~Bailey~Psalm 56:3~


M.D. Bowers said...

I love the post. You are a great big sister and wonderful daughter.

The Beaver Bunch said...

What an awesome post, Bailey. You are a MARVELOUS big sister! And I know you will continue to pray over Sonia as she grows, which is the best gift a big sister can give her siblings.

And, when you figure out the secret to making the twos (or 18months) not so terrible, will you please let me know?


wendi said...

Well written Bailey! Those are some important discoveries and I am sure you will make more each day. I too am glad you prayed for a baby sister because it has been an awesome blessing to see her come into your family!

kaylee ryan said...

I'm glad Sonia is adjusting well.