Thursday, October 1, 2009

Happy, happy, Birthday!!!!

Happy Birthday Emily!!!! I hope you are having a great! Emily and I have been friends since we were born!!! You are such a great friend to me and all me family, it is such an honor to have you as a friend!!! You are so funny and I can't spend two seconds with you without laughing(I'm serious!!!) I is so fun to go back and see the pictures of when we were little, and to see how much we've grown!!!!!! I it so great to be your friend!!!!!!!!!!! Hope you have a great birthday!!!! Your friend~Bailey~ Psalm 56:3~


Anna Gray said...

Awwww! You're so sweet, Bailey! I thought that tomorrow is her b day, but I guess I'm wrong! Happy birthday Emily grace!

Emily Grace!!:D ^-^ said...

I can't tell you how much that means to me. You are truly a great friend. My heart is filled with warmth!That picture is so cute!
I love you soooooooooooo much!
I will NEVER stop being your BFFAE