Tuesday, August 25, 2009


I am so sorry that I haven't posted any, we have been on vacation to Fripp Island! We had such a great time and we had to start school back yesterday! Today we have Classical Conversations (My favorite thing in the world!) so it is going to be a very busy day! Anyway while we were there we got our approval! In human talk is where they say you can adopt from there! So in about eight weeks we should have a picture of Sierra! Then we should travel in about 3-4 weeks later!!!!! Now there is something I need you to pray for, I need you to pray for enough money to send all of us to go to get Sierra, I have determined that I WILL go to Rwanda!!!!!!! Thanks for Reading my Blog~Bailey~Psalm 56:3~


M.D. Bowers said...


I hope you have a great day at classical! And we will pray God will provide for our trip.


Anna Gray said...

Yay!!! Can't wait to meet Sierra!

Today was pretty amusing day of challenge a. LOL! there was a lot of laughing...especially when Garrett was trying to blow a bubble and looked like a duck...LOL!!!