Sunday, March 1, 2009


So in my last post I asked you all to ask me some questions and I got five questions, so here they are with the answers!

1. What do you want to be when you grow up?- I want to be a Kindergarten teacher until I have kids. I want to have six kids, three girls and boys, three biological and three adopted and I want to homeschool them all. But of course, get married before I have kids.

2.What is your favorite type of ice cream?- Chocolate chip cookie dough from Hilton Head Island!

3.What is your favorite season of the year?- Well, summer! Why? For one, my birthday is in the summer,and two, you can swim and go to the beach, three, it's nice and hot!

4.Will you give us your testimony?-Sure! I think it was in my first year of Upward Basketball when I was six years old, I came home from my fifth or sixth basketball practice and asked my mom and dad if I could pray to accept Jesus in my heart. They did not know if I had understood what sin was or if I knew who Jesus was and if I knew what he had done for us.
So they went in the hall to talk and when they came back they started to say "do you know what sin....." and then I said I already prayed to accept Jesus in my heart! Well I would give more about my testimony but I still have other questions!

5. What is you favorite TV show?- Probably I-carly! If you want to see it, it is on Nickelodeon. It is so funny and very clean!

If you have any ideas for me PLEASE tell me, maybe quizzes or jokes I don't know, just ANYTHING!!!!!!!Well I think that's all I have time for right now, so I'll put a new post up soon! Bye, bye, bye, bye!


Anonymous said...

Hey Bay!
What is your favorite episode of icarly??? Obviously not the Fred episode! Hee hee! LOL!!!

Anonymous said...

I think that episode is called iWant to Stay with Spencer!That one is funny!
Love ya!

The Beaver Bunch said...

Great answers!

Anna Gray said...

I love your answers too! This is a great blog and a great witness to people who aren' believers. You said you wanted some ideas for your blog, well I have one! You could maybe add an ipod from like Chelsea, Lindsay, and Emily Grace. Only if you want to though!

-A.G. :D

P.S. Thanks for helping me put the sparkles on my pot in art!