Thursday, July 11, 2013

But I'm here.

I miss the red dirt washing over my face as we drove down the road.

I miss playing with hundreds of kids in a big empty field.

I miss giving shoes.

I miss bandaging feet.

I miss church outside.

I miss loving on chocolate babies who don't have mama's and dada's.

I miss 2 Friends and Backpackers.

I miss Joyce and Betty and Eric.

I miss cold showers(okay- not that much).

I miss Quinn and Asa and Silas.

I miss children shouting, "Mzungu!" as we drove down the road.

I miss Dru and Asher.

I miss...


But I'm reminded...

I'm here. In North Carolina, with my family and all my closest friends for a reason.

God has me here to fulfill his will for this part of my life.

I feel very strongly that Uganda will play a part of my life in the future.

But right now- I'm here.

And as hard as that is- I accept it.

Because here?

Even though there's no church outside- There's Rich Fork with Caroline and Jenna and Sarah and Lissa and Megan....

Even though there's no orphanages full of chocolate babies- There's plenty of little girls who need to be told they are special, like Haley and Emma and Madison and Bizzy and Peyton and Riley...

So. I'm here.

And I'm praying God will show me ways to use my gifts right here where I am.

And I believe he will!


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