on my pitiful arm. it is still bandaged, and i finally looked at it today! EW! it was gross!!!!!! my stomach hurt after that. i am not in too much pain which is great. i went to the doctor's office yesterday to get my arm looked at but also for all of us to get the flu mist(much better than the shot). they said that my arm looked wonderful for an arm with 37 stitches, which is great to hear. i get my stitches taken out in 9 days. we have been changing out the bandages of my arm and cleaning it to...which burns a tiny bit... not very bad compared to the numbing of my arm. i feel so helpless not being able to do things for my self. here is a list of 5 things i can't do:
1. put my contacts in
2. open medicine bottles or water bottles
3. wash my hair
4. type with capitol letters
5. fold clothes...not a bad thing
see told ya' i could give you five, and thats just the start of my list! one thing that i thought was cool was that my dad is preaching a series on acts. the chapter we are on is talking about telling other people about God. when i was on my meds i was talking about tons of stuff, and some of it i honestly don't remember. one thing my dad told me was that i told my doctor about Jesus(he was not a christian). i apparently told him about my great christian friends and family, my sunday school class, and our acts study. i thought that it was cool that God used my bad circumstance to tell someone about God. interesting...i know. anyway i don't mind any questions so don't hesitate to ask! thanks for praying and continue to- thanks for reading-bailey-psalm 56:3-