Wednesday, October 15, 2008

guess what

Hey guys! How are you? We, as in my family, are having an adoption fundraiser at the Perfect Blend in Lexington!We will have tee-shirts, necklaces, cheesecake made by Dana, the best chocolate cake ever and possibly honey bun cake!!!We will also be having a silent auction,and we will have art, free meals, 2 hour plane rides and many other things!It is on Friday the 17th from 6pm-10pm! There will also be COFFEE for you coffee lovers out there!!!! Hope you can come! Oh, I almost forgot, my dad and a couple other guys will be singing and playing instruments outside,it will be awesome! So pray that the weather turns out beautiful so they can play!!! This is what the tee-shirts look like!!


Anonymous said...

HEY BAILY! you might not know me but im emilys friend hannah from kentucky. thats so cool that your familys adopting! do you know if its it a boy or girl? my friends, friends family are adopting from ethiopia and they just figured out that is was a boy. i will be praying for you! God Bless!

Chelsea Marie said...

I tagged you EBAI! Go to my blog for instructions!